The sage’s mind in stillness is the mirror of Heaven and earth, the glass of the ten thousand things. – Chaung-tzu

I look up questioning the sky, searching for answers as all people have throughout history, sometimes finding them.

Exploring the world, I walk on damp dirt, touch leaves and wood, studying the flawless patterns of nature, left in pure wonder of their perfection.

The body – us, we are the bridge between the heavens and earth. Our minds connect between what can be felt and what is imagined – between spirit and physical.

Of Heaven and Earth is an ongoing body of work I make with whichever camera I have available in the moment – often it’s a mobile phone, plastic camera or instant-film camera. I study the feelings, people, and things that cross my daily path. In these explorations I am seeking to understand the many unknowns and connect with the world that is around me.